40k hexis Campaign rules system
- starting on the 24hr event.
Games on the planet of Hexis will go on from 10am on Saturday 10th November. All games count.
- Chaos-ork pact
- Eldar-Tau-Federal alliance
- Imperium of Mankind
- Necrons*
*Necrons don't take territory they simply remove people from territories.
- factions within alliances may fight amongst each other. Petty feuds, self interest, arguments etc
- When a faction in fights, it will inflict -1 on each of the in fighting faction, but can claim neutral territory.
Grand Alliances:
- In the direst circumstances the Imperium and Alliance would rather chaos lose and will ally together against chaos.
- necrons will (for complicated reasons) ally with anyone against the alliance and eldar, out of spite (but will generally try to remove everyone)
Ultimate goals
- Create and maintain a base of operations**
- Take and hold the device chamber
- Dominate the planet
**If you don't have a base, you can't take territory. Your faction must win 1 game of Kill Team or 40K to build this base.
Each game wins one territory of the correct type. There are 4 types.
- Inner city and catacombs (white bordered): Kill team games only. One win claims one territory. Winning vs. anyone can take unclaimed. For claimed territories you need to beat the faction holding the territory
- City (light grey bordered): 1000 point or less 40k games, or up to 1500 point "cityfight" narrative games.
- Ruins (medium grey bordered): 1000-2000 point games of 40k. Ruins and wasteland terrain.
- Wastelands (dark grey bordered): 1000-2000 point games of 40k will take one "box" in the wasteland terrain before modifiers. Apocalypse games will take all boxes of the wasteland sector. Titanicus games count as 2x 40k.
- You cannot advance into new territories if:
- There are no territories of your opponent or neutral which can be taken by the game you are playing
- You do not have a supply line to your base of operation*
*Supply means tracing a line through friendly territories or territories which have at least one of your faction's markers in them.
- If you cannot take territory but win, inflict a -1 modifier on your opponent instead, or add +1 to your own modifiers.
- Apocalypse games (>3500) always take territory, and the winner always adds +1 and inflicts a -1 on *everyone* else.
- Narrative games of 40k: winner gains +1 territory so long as they can be taken.
- multiplayer games: winner takes 2 territories either neutral or from factions ending below them. Second place takes one territory. Last place suffers a -1 mod. Multiplayer but two sides are considered alliances.
- kill teams can always get into the city even if no supply, but cannot take territory.
- Bases cost one "win" to create (at any points/game).
- Bases exist in a territory but confer no benefit for it apart from supply.
- Bases are overrun when the territory is lost.
- You can build as many bases as you want.
Modifier difference may add an additional teritory or territories for the winner. The formula for determining this is as follows:
- Extra territories gained: INTEGER((Difference in modifiers)*(points played)/9000)
- Example: force A has +3. Force B has -2. Force A wins a game at 2000 points 40k. extra territory formula= = INT((5*2000)/9000) = 1. Force A gets an additional territory.
Evolution: The campaign and rules will evolve as the situation changes.
Finding an alternative Key or the means to create one
- Each 40k or Kill team game may be used to research key technology. After each game of this type the winner does not take territory. Instead the winner (and loser) may roll a D6 to see if his or her faction has found the necessary information to activate the device without a key.
1-6 (1 always fails): The necessary information is not found
7+ The faction now has the means to activate the device
Add +1 for each WIN secured in "Key games"
Eldar: The eldar already have the key and this knowledge. Wins by eldar can subtract a modifier from their opponent.
Narrative games: +2 for the winner +1 for the loser (40k only)
(so eldar will inflict a net -1 above)
Narrative Games
As ever narrative missions count DOUBLE.