The Tau leader sat patiently in his official robes as he waited for the fleet commander, casually reviewing the data slate in front of him. Images of whitewashed space vessels scrolled past as Kor'O Shovah took in the information. Presently there was a knock at the door and it slowly swung open.
Standing to greet his guest the Aleph Sector Commander bowed slightly to the figure now before him. Fleet Commander Kor'O Auymun had travelled many millions of miles for this briefing, recording the first successful crossing of the Aurelis Deeps by a Tau fleet. Shovah was keen to know the details and the mind behind the individual who had led his fleet into Sunstrike orbital city to the cheers and adulation of an exultant crowd of spectators.
"Kor'O Shovah, I am deeply honoured", said Auymun, bowing.
Shovah smiled at the younger Tau commander.
"The honour is mine Kor'O Auymun. Please, sit and tell me of your journey through the Deeps."
Kor'O Auymun smiled and sat on the chair opposite the sector commander as Kor'O Shovah picked up the data slate from the desk and began scrolling through its information once more. After a brief pause the older Tau looked at his subordinate and smiled.
"So, let us start from the beginning. You left Tau space some forty Ro'taa ago bound for our new outposts here in the Aleph sector, via the shortest route, the Aurelis Deeps..."
Kor'O Auymun remembered the exhilaration when he heard the news from high command that his request had been granted. He would be the first Tau to cross the notorious Aurelis Deeps, a vast area of uncharted dark space, home to countless aliens, countless enemies. The rewards were obvious. Auymun was not doing this for his own personal glory, but for the good of the Tau race. From the time the Tau first started their colonisation of the Aleph sector, they had been forced to travel the long way round in a broad arc, avoiding the area known as the Deeps. If Auymun could find a safe, or relatively safe, passage through the dark and foreboding region of old dying stars, warp rifts and thick nebulae, the transit time between the Tau inner colonies and the Aleph Sector would be more than halved.
The fleet given to Auymun was the largest ever entrusted to an individual of such relative inexperience. Although Auymun was a full fleet admiral or Kor'O his experience within the Kor'Vattra was limited, though he had been a captain of the Hero class Lar'vre fro eight years before moving on to the Kor'O'Vesh project. Clearly the fleet commanders had decided Auymun, with his knowledge of both old and new Tau vessels was the right individual for the task at hand.
The fleet, from that historic day to be known as Kor’Vattra Auymun, assembled at the edge of Tau space, ready for its departure. Auymun retained his familiar calm and relaxed on the outside as he walked on to the Ores'Au, but inside the fleet commander was electric with excitement. His flagship, one of the newest Custodian Vessels headed the convoy of ships as it began to slowly move away from the space dock and into the void. Three protectors and a Hero class provided the main firepower while an Emissary and two Merchants set off in their task to bring new riches to the Tau Empire, followed by a host of transport and escort vessels following the larger vessels like ducklings on a pond.
Kor'O Shovah nodded as the younger Kor'O relayed the story of his departure. For eight Ro'taa the ships had plied the void between real space and that strange other-world of the warp, one of the longest coordinated jumps in Tau fleet history. Eventually however the warp drives had given out on the older vessels and the ships re-entered real space in the Raidu System, one of many uninhabited and unimportant systems in the Aurelis Deeps.
Shovah nodded, impressed at the skill of the fleet commander at having gone so far in one jump while keeping the fleet together. But the old Tau knew that wasn't the end of the story. Somehow this great Tau success had almost turned into a disaster. Kor'O Shovah leaned over the low desk and clasped his leathery hands in front of his face.
"Tell me, Kor'O Auymun. How did the forces of chaos come to find you?".
"Kor'O!" Came the shout, "Vre' Aun reports unknown contacts closing fast! At least six capital ships!"
Kor'O Auymun looked up at his first officer with concern. It would be at least twelve hours before the older ships had recharged their jump engines.
"On tactical!"
At the command of their captain the crewmen obeyed. A fuzzy image of distant vessels appeared on the bridge main viewer.
The image enlarged, gradually becoming sharper as the complex computational devices on board the Ores'Au struggled to make up for the dimness of the light at the edge of the Raidu system. Slowly a vision of dread filled the screen.
"Prepare for battle. Form up the fleet into the box formation. Comms! Tell the Savon Ro to get back in station!"
Once again the inexperienced crew of the new cruiser had allowed the tight Tau defensive formation to become strung out. As his orders were carried out however he was pleased to see the white ships reform into an impenetrable wedge of railguns and overlapping deflector shields. Several thousand kilometres in front the chaos fleet, dedicated to the worship of the decadent God Slaanesh, raced to meet them...
It wasn’t long before the range came down and the massed railguns of the Kor’Vattra Auymun opened up on the Slaanesh vessels. They had split up into three squadrons, hoping to confuse the Tau, but Kor’O Auymun was experienced at fighting the forces of chaos and didn’t take the bait. From his captain’s seat on the Ores’Au the Tau fleet commander controlled the battle.
“Kor’El Avre, switch to tactical.”
The first officer’s hands moved gracefully across his console and the view on the main screen changed from the outside view to a tactical map, showing the Tau ships and the enemy as coloured icons. Noting the squadron of escorts off his port bow Auymun judged the time had come and patched himself in to the launch bay control room.
“Kor’El Shavre, have your mantas ready for immediate launch. I want those escorts dealt with.”
Auymun turned to his first officer.
“Avre, keep the merchants in line with us, once the main battlegroup has fired its main salvos the remaining chaos fleet will come for us. Prepare missiles for launch!”
As predicted the chaos fleet came ever onward, one cruiser squadron taking terrible punishment from the Hero and Protector class vessels in the Tau gun line. The escorts, despite a brave defence were no match for wave after wave of Tau mantas which streaked around them, unloading hellish fire onto each until all but one were reduced to burning hulks.
The final chaos cruiser squadron came straight for the Ores’Au and her consorts. Auymun realised the protectors and hero class vessels would be unable to manoeuvre quickly enough and come to their aid before the chaos vessels, their flanks bristling with heavy guns, turned broadside and severely punished the weaker Tau vessels.
“Avre! Have the merchants break off! Launch all remaining mantas then disengage!”
The order was successful. In the next few minutes the merchants and Emissary managed to evade the worst of the chaos gunfire and the Ores’Au herself slipped away behind the debris and energy clouds left by the battle. The chaos fleet, crippled and bloodied, disengaged in the face of overwhelming firepower…
Kor’O Shovah leaned back in his chair, regarding the young fleet commander.
“So, the box formation was a success then?”
“Yes Kor’O Shovah. As we showed before no chaos fleet can close with us directly once the formation is locked in.”
Shovah nodded. For years now Auymun had argued the merits of the box formation. A tight and rigid fleet formation with the massed firepower of the Tau main warships protecting the weaker trading vessels, all backed up by barracudas, mantas and smart missiles. Once again the dynamic young Kor’O had proved its worth in battle.
Shovah returned to the data slate.
“And yet you were not done with the forces of the chaos Gods?”
Auymun nodded.
“Unfortunately the chaos fleet marked our position and by the time we entered the warp once more another fleet of the dread Norsefire Empire has followed us. They kept well back and maintained contact with our fleet, waiting for our warp engines to run down.”
Shovah nodded respectfully, encouraging his subordinate to continue.
“Knowing we would face battle once we dropped back into real space I turned the fleet around to face the chaos threat. We would face them in the Stajak Cluster.”
“A risk.” Stated the older Tau flatly.
“An opportunity.” Replied Auymun.
“Kor’O Kauymun, with respect, are you completely insane?!”
The commander of the Mont'yr Sha'is was clearly enraged, his skin turning an ever paler shade of grey. The fleet commander remained impassive as the captains of the fleet looked at each other in dismay around the flat grey briefing table aboard the Ores’Au.
Although the Tau had technology to allow meetings such as this to be conducted using viewscreens, Kor’O Auymun believed in face to face communication. It promoted better understanding between him and his commanders and fostered the all important brotherhood spirit. As he regarded his subordinates Auymun could tell this was one time none of them understood him.
The murmuring calmed down as Auymun raised his hand.
“Colleagues. I am fully aware of the risks but you all know that once we drop back into real space there will be a chaos fleet right behind us. The Stajak Cluster gives us an edge over our opponents. We have the communications and sensor equipment to cope. It is unlikely the enemy does.”
“But it is still dangerous!” Protested the ever cautious commander of the Protector class Shi'mont'ka.
“Indeed Kor’el Affrveh, but so is the chaos fleet. Now let us put an end to this. We drop into real space in less than a Ro’taa. Get back to your ships.”
The Tau were ready for the chaos ships when they began their attack run. Formed into the box formation each commander could see the enemy as the green vessels of Nurgle closed with their own fleet. Meanwhile the crew of the Vre’Aun scrambled frantically to make sense of the data which flooded in from the ship’s advanced sensory equipment.
The vessel, the fleet’s messenger class was tracking warp anomalies as they drifted, seemingly at random, through the Stajak cluster. Each on varied in size and several small rifts dotted the space between them and the chaos fleet. The captain of the Vre’Aun wondered if the Kor’O’s gamble would pay off.
Back on the Ores’Au Kor’O Auymun felt relaxed as he watched the tactical readout update. His formation was intact and the warp rifts seemed to be keeping their distance, while the nurgle fleet attempted to navigate around these most capricious of hazards. Get trapped in one of the rifts and you may never be seen again.
It wasn’t long before Auymun’s strategy began to pay dividends.
“Kor’O Auymun,” called an excited voice across the Tau fleet intercom, “Vre’Aun reports three enemy escorts have disappeared into a small rift!”
“Thank you Kor’El Hans’Shi’tau, I rely on you and the Vre’Aun to keep me updated.”
Auymun smiled. Still out of maximum weapons range and already the enemy had lost three escorts and a cruiser was heading directly for the same rift. This was too easy.
“Kor’O, sensors indicate the enemy vessel, Yersinia pestis, closing at speed.”
Auymun felt irritation building within him. The chaos fools were still not going to break off and he would have a battle after all. The Tau commander sighed before answering.
“Very well. Launch all ordnance and prepare to open fire on the enemy.”
Kor’O Auymun switched the viewer from tactical to external as the rest of his crew efficiently passed his orders to the rest of the fleet. This time the box was perfect, with Savon Ro, holding her station well. In the distance the chaos ships began to become more distinct, their plasma drives flaring, pushing their tainted hulls bristling with unclean weaponry through the void.
It wasn’t long before the three protectors at the front of the Tau gun line reported a lock on.
“Good. Protector squadron, open fire on Yersinia pestis. Send the abomination to hell!”
Auymun had picked up the phrase from humans while trading on the eastern rim, and he enjoyed using it.
Within seconds of the Kor’O’s order the weapons systems aboard the Savon’Ro, Shi'mont'ka and Mont'yr Sha'is powered up to full strength. Using the tracking information from the messenger Vre’Aun the three Tau vessels could hardly miss. Suddenly the space between them and Yersinia pestis became full of hypersonic particles which slammed into the chaos vessel, reducing her to a worthless hulk almost immediately. Railgun munitions tore through the hull of the ship and orange explosions blossomed along her length as atmospheric oxygen ignited and vented into space.
Shi'Mek'Tau, Hero class, added her firepower as the chaos cruiser drifted into range, splitting the mighty vessel in half amidships. The debris from the cruiser continued to drift, flaring orange as isolated munitions and pockets of gas were ignited. First blood to the Tau.
Staphylococcus aureus was the next cruiser to suffer at the hands of the Tau as the entire fleet turned their attention to the Carnage class cruiser. Having seen the damage the massed railguns and ion cannons could do the captain of the chaos vessel tried, in vain, to make evasive manoeuvres to save his ship. The tracking systems on the Vre’Aun were too accurate however and ionized plasma bursts and hypersonic metallic munitions slammed into the closing chaos vessel, stripping her shields and ripping off her bow, exposing thousands of crewmen to the vacuum of space. The next volley from the Tau heavy cruiser squadron slammed into the vessel’s bridge section, shearing the entire command structure off. Drifting and without effective command the Staphylococcus aureus was effectively out of the battle.
The chaos vessels did manage to fire on the Tau fleet but the damage was light. Only Savon Ro suffered any significant damage when a lance shot from a slaughter class slammed into her main launch bays, setting off secondary explosions which knocked out her power grid. It was several hours before the ship was able to rejoin the fleet.
At close range the fighting became a confused affair with the Tau holding their formation as the chaos vessels were punished by smart missiles and Tau Manta attacks. By this time two more chaos vessels had been caught out by the shifting warp anomalies and the chaos warmaster disengaged the fleet. Kor’O Auymun had secured his second victory.
Kor’O Shovah sat back and enjoyed the tale as it was related to him by Kor’O Auymun. To read about the Tau success was one thing but to hear it first hand from the commanding fleet officer was somehow more satisfying. Even so the old Tau knew the chaos almost inflicted appalling casualties on the fleet in their next encounter and asked Auymun to explain what had happened and how things had almost gone horribly wrong…
Almost a week after the battle in the Stajak Cluster the chaos forces were still not done with Kor’Vattra Auymun. The Norsefire Empire had suffered two resounding defeats and had lost several irreplaceable ships, but the loose alliance of systems which made up the chaos realm still had one remaining fleet patrolling in the vicinity. If they too were bested by the Tau the chaos empire knew that in all likelihood they would have to accept the aliens crossing through their territory for the forceable future.
The Kor’O knew this too. If he could inflict yet more casualties on the chaos fleet they would eventually be forced to accept the Tau presence. Once his journey had been completed the systems he visited would be command that Tau waystations be set up to protect further Tau convoys through the Aurelis Deeps, and there was one system, inhabited by a mysterious alien race, which the Tau hoped to would join them, providing a permanent base in the Deeps.
The commander of the third chaos fleet had seen how the previous encounters had gone when facing the Tau Kor’Vattra and he had no intention of falling into the same trap. Consulting his sorcerers the warmaster planned something special for Kor’O Auymun. Something which would counter the Tau tactics which had cost so many lives. The chaos warmaster split his fleet up around the Vertarion system and waited.
Kor’El Pa’Shva shifted in his seat, unable to get comfortable despite the low gravity environment which suited him aboard his Orca. The small vessel had been sent out to patrol the Vertarion system ever since the fleet had mysteriously been split up in the warp. Kor’O Auyun had immediately ordered the fleet to reform once they had dropped into real space but most of the ships were still scattered across the uninhabited star system. One with an abnormally high number of asteroid fields, perfect for laying an ambush.
Aboard the Ores’Au the Tau fleet commander received the report from his science officer with concern. The sudden warp storm which had scattered his fleet was unlike anything previously encountered. It was specific and highly localised. Auymun looked suspicious as he glanced at his junior.
“You are sure these figures are correct?”
“Yes Kor’O.” Came the reply.
“It all looks far too convenient, far too neat. Its almost as if this warp storm were a deliberate act…”
Just then the Kor’O was interrupted by his first officer.
“Kor’O, the Ka'Limar reports she is under attack from a chaos cruiser!”
Kor’O Auymun considered the evidence and nodded.
“It’s a trap.”
On the bridge of his Styx class heavy cruiser the chaos warmaster could not hide his glee as the icons flashed on his tactical viewer, each one representing one of the scattered Tau vessels, isolated and vulnerable. Now is our chance! Wailed the demonic voice in his head as he ordered the fleet to close on the Tau. Very soon the fleet which had ravaged his brothers in arms would be vanquished by the guns and warriors of his chaos fleet.
“Increase to maximum acceleration Avre!” Bellowed Kor’O Auymun over the noise of frantic crew activity and the grinding of metal as the Ores’Au struggled to catch up with her companions. Just ahead the two merchants and emissary had joined up, while across the other side of the system three protectors were having a running battle with two chaos cruisers.
From all accounts the protectors were easily having the better time of the exchange but the less heavily armed merchants were in deep trouble as a chaos daemonship bore down upon them. Even before the custodian and her mantas could help two of the Tau vessels were crippled and burning while the emissary class tried desperately to disengage.
Meanwhile the Tau protectors had been joined by the Hero class Shi'Mek'TauI and were causing terrible damage to the chaos fleet. However the chaos commander then ordered an all out attack on the Savon Ro and there was nothing Kor’O Auymun could do as he heard the anguished cries of those aboard her as chaos marines teleported aboard, maiming and killing.
At the height of the confused battle it looked very much like the Tau would be forced to disengage or risk losing their entire fleet. The Tau fleet commander successfully disengaged the lighter Tau vessels along with the flagship, Ores’Au, leaving infidel raiders searching in vain among the gas and debris of the battle while the Tau slipped away.
Meanwhile the three protectors and one hero class were locked in a vicious duel with three chaos vessels, one of which was identified as a Styx class - the flagship of the fleet. The Savon Ro was drifting, her crew massacred by the chaos boarding action and her main systems disabled. The remaining Tau cruisers concentrated their firepower, first on the closest enemy, a warped and disfigured slaughter class, pummelling her with close range railgun and ion cannon fire until she lurched off course venting gas and plasma.
The Tau then turned their attention to the Styx and in a short but decisive firefight the two remaining protectors and one hero class vessel tipped the balance for Kor’Vattra Auymun, crippling the chaos heavy cruiser and forcing the chaos fleet to withdraw.
Several hours later the Tau fleet was back together and licking its wounds. Savon Ro had been recovered and was now crewed by a skeleton crew made up of members of the other vessels. The scene aboard her was gruesome with blood spattered across the pristine white corridors and consoles, the crew maimed and dismembered at their posts. The chaos marines had shown no mercy.
The Kir'Ishima and Ka'Limar had taken severe damage in the battle and would need further repairs. With this in mind Kor’O Auymin set course for the only known friendly system in the Aurelis deeps, the planet Calabris in the Maljaq system, home to the alien race of the Kelmari.
Kor’O Shovah shifted in his seat as he searched a new data slate for the information on the Kelmari. There wasn’t a great deal to learn. Contacted some twenty years ago in a scouting mission into the Aurelis deeps they seemed to have a reasonably advanced civilisation and limited space travel, based on nuclear fission reactor engines. The bipedal, reptilian creatures stood a little taller than the Tau and negotiations had begun to bring them into the Empire when attacks by the chaotic Norsefire Empire forced the talks to cease.
Since then sporadic tales of fighting between the chaos Empire and the Kelmari continued to circulate on the fringes of Tau space but few paid any attention. Most assumed the civilisation had been destroyed. Only once the Tau began expanding into the Aleph subsector did interest once again stir in the Aurelis Deeps and the possible alliance with the reptilian race.
The Kelmari were not completely helpless however, and over the years had begun to build formidable defences against interstellar attack. Though they had not mastered shield technology their space stations were armed with powerful plasma cutting beams with similar power to ion cannons and a similar range.
Shovah regarded his subordinate as he sat opposite him. Even now, under the scrutiny of the most senior member of the Air Caste in the Aleph sector the young Kor’O remained un-phased, sitting relaxed in his seat. He knew he had achieved a great success regardless of the outcome of this briefing.
“So you proceeded to the Maljaq system?”
“Yes Kor’O Shovah”, came the steady reply, “It took us just a few Ro’taa even with the damage sustained to the lighter vessels. Only when we dropped back into real space did we realise we were not alone…”
Kor’O Auymun absorbed the data on the Maljaq system as quickly as it flashed up on the main viewscreen of the Ores’Au. The navigator for the fleet had clearly found his niche in life as the drop back into real space had been to within one hundred kilometres of his calculations.
The fleet had arrived in good order and were only a few days from the planet Calabris, homeworld of the Kelmari. Kor’El Shatsui had done well and the specially constructed transports were ready on schedule. These small ships would disable the automated gun sentries surrounding the planet by sending out a previously arranged de-activation code.
The next two days passed without incident and soon the great blue orb of Calabris loomed into view, along with the energy signatures of the waiting defence sentries. Auymun gave the order for the fleet to halt and the specialised sentries were sent to complete their missions.
“Kor’O Auymun”, shouted Kor’El Avre, his voice taught, “the Shi'mont'ka is too close to the nearest sentry!”
“What? Get me their commander!”
But it was too late. By the time Auymun had made contact with the bridge of the protector class vessel the sentry had already locked on to its target. Oblivious to the friendly nature of the vessel it opened fire, shearing through the Tau vessel and knocking her out of formation. It took several minutes for the crew to regain control of the Shi'mont'ka and the damage was severe. Kor’O Auymun was unimpressed at this needless casualty.
The transports performed well however, deactivating the two nearest defence sentries. It was as the ships moved off to the next station that the Tau realised they were walking into a trap. With a blinding flash of light the nearest defence sentry exploded, peppering the tau fleet with hot gases and debris. Void shields and prow deflectors flared as the powerful energies were kept safely away from the ships’ hulls.
“First Officer!” Shouted Auymun. “Find out where that came from!”
“Kor’O, we are picking up multiple energy spikes from the far side of Calabris. There is a fleet there sir!”
Kor’O Auymun switched the viewscreen to tactical as he ordered a protective screen of barracudas and mantas to be launched. It was grim reading. One huge capital vessel and several smaller ones, along with a host of escort vessels. Ordnance filled the void between the two fleets and it was all heading towards the Kor’Vattra. The energy signatures were unmistakeable, the Kelmari were being attacked by the Imperial Space Marines!
“You hadn’t faced Marine vessels before?”
“Once, only once, many years ago. The entire fleet had to disengage. The damage and loss of life were appalling.”
For the first time Shovah noticed the young fleet commander show a hint of emotion as he recorded the battle of Trascia Run. It had been a bloody affair but neither side could claim victory. The Marines had taken the field but the Tau had escaped. Kor’O Auymun had been a mere commander of a Hero class back then. Even do the memory was vivid.
“But you did not hesitate this time?”
Auymun looked the old sector commander in his eyes, a look of defiance and duty burning just beneath the surface, which had returned to its usual calm.
“We had made a promise to the Kelmari. We would fight the Marines, for the greater good…”
As fast as they could the ships of the Tau Kor’Vattra raced towards the planet of Calabris, launching wave after wave of mantas at the enemy while barracudas had their work cut out intercepting the Imperial Thunderhawks and boarding torpedoes. The Marines had made short work of the remaining defence sentries and now seemed intent on reaching Calabris.
With their slight edge in speed the Imperial vessels were already in low orbit when the Tau fleet arrived. To the horror of the fleet commander he noticed that the Marines weren’t just bombarding the planet, but a full scale invasion of Calabris was occurring! Quickly he contacted his fire caste generals and a hastily prepared counter invasion was drawn up.
Things started going wrong from the start as the Space Marine escort vessels began attacking the Tau cruisers as they unloaded their manta-borne hunter cadres to the vicious warzone which had erupted on the planet’s surface. As the Ores’Au and her consorts fired their heavy railguns and ion cannons into the near stationary targets presented to them as the Marines unloaded, the Imperial vessels did the same and before long the entire atmosphere was lit up by shield discharges and explosions.
Neither fleet could take this kind of punishment for long and the Marines were the first to disengage, having landed their forces on the planet. The cost had been high as seven escorts and a strike cruiser had been sent crashing into the planet, leaving enormous craters several miles wide. Estimates of casualties ran into hundreds of thousands.
The Tau Kor’Vattra too was made to suffer as the hunter cadres unloaded. The crippled Savon Ro soon lost all control and crashed headlong into a Kelami city. Soon after she was joined in destruction by the merchant class Ka'Limar and the emissary vessel Ko Kauyon. They were the worst casualties yet inflicted on the Tau fleet and yet the mission had not been a complete failure. Faced with ever more destruction the Marine fleet had fled the immediate area and only seven companies had made it to the ground. Commander DawnSight was left in command of the Tau forces on Calabris as they prepared to defend the Kelami from Imperial attack.
The Kelami paid the highest price. Several cities had been destroyed, either by Imperial bombardment or by a mighty starship crashing down from above. The reptilian race wept as the death toll mounted. By the time the Tau fleet prepared to leave orbit the count was over one million…
Kor’O Auymun wondered if the battle had been worth it, but he consoled himself in the knowledge that the Norsefire Empire had been beaten. There were only a few jumps left before their crossing of the Aurelis Deeps had been completed. So far he had lost three cruisers. Far fewer than previous expeditions. Even so he mourned the loss of each and their crew as the Kor’Vattra Kor’O Auymun prepared to leave the Maljaq system.
“You lost three vessels in the Calabris venture?”
There was a pause as Kor’O Auymun considered the older commander’s words. He gave no indication as to his feelings on the matter. The question was more of a statement.
“Yes Kor’O Shovah. We lost three. The Savon Ro was indeed a great loss. We were left with just three front line cruisers and one merchant. I felt our losses put the final completion of our crossing in jeopardy, so that is why I requested your aid.”
Kor’O Auymun had not been disappointed. Coming from the Tau base at Cernunnos the commander of Tau forces in the sector had sent his most trusted fleet commander, known to the Imperium as “Cold Sight”, with three powerful vessels to aid the Kor’Vattra Auymun in crossing the last few light years of the Aurelis Deeps, passing through the Harlaq System, a known haven for ork pirates.
The decision to send Cold Sight and his three cruisers, a protector and two emissaries, almost caused a disaster rather than help to avoid one. The small fleet dropped out of the warp in the Harlaq System and immediately found itself being tailed by a squadron of ork escorts. Cold Sight was able to avoid them and make the jump to the neighbouring Sakeni system and join up with Auymun’s fleet, but the orks had been tipped off. When the Tau fleet dropped into the Harlaq System in good order, the orks were waiting for them…
Kor’O Auymun sat back in his chair as the tactical display filled the viewscreen. Upon seeing the Ork formation Auymun was worried and contacted his fellow Kor’O aboard the protector class Kais Ka.
“Kais Ka this is Ores’Au. Have you seen what we’re facing?”
The replay came quickly, Cold Sight’s voice taking on a metallic and unworldly quality as it was transmitted across the void.
“I have them on tactical Kor’O Auymun. It looks like they mean to take us on head on. May I suggest the sideswipe stratagem? It has worked on Ork scum before.”
Kor’O Auymun smiled as he realised the other Tau fleet commander was in agreement with him. Forming up the box formation the Tau fleet began to close slowly on the Orks as the aliens roared across the system as fast as their drives would allow. The two fleets were approaching head on but with one important, yet subtle, difference. Kor’O Auymun had aligned his fleet to miss the main Ork fleet, aiming his ships so that if they continued on their course they would pass down the Ork’s port side. The trap was set.
“Kor’O, the Orks are launching torpedoes and fighter-bombers.” Said Kor’El Avre aboard the Ores’Au.
“Commander, launch equal squadrons of mantas and barracudas. Have the rest of the fleet do the same. Prepare to launch missile wave one on my mark.”
Soon the Tau fleet, moving slowly towards the Orks launched a devastating wave of missiles and attack craft which soon had the Ork pilots and turret gunners busy. Damage from the initial wave was light as the thick frontal armour of the brutal Ork vessels kept the worst of the explosions from the ships’ vitals.
Then, as in previous engagements, the main Tau battle line opened up on the nearest Ork kroozer. The unfortunate vessel, a hammer class, was soon reduced to a hulk despite the ship’s thick armour and evasive manoeuvres. Auymun was pleased but knew that in a matter of minutes the heavy guns on the Ork ships would be in range, and the Tau vessels would be vulnerable.
Minutes past as the two fleets exchanged devastating volleys. Another Ork vessel careened out of the battle line on fire as the Tau railgun volleys ripped her apart. As the range closed the brutal firepower of the Ork fleet became evident as the lead kroozer zeroed in on the Shi'mont'ka. Taken by surprise the ship was unable to brace for impact and the frontal deflector failed almost instantly under the weight of Ork shot.
Auymun and the bridge crew of the Ores’Au watched in horror as the ship directly infront of them was blasted by the Ork volleys and shook under the massive impact. Her hull glowing red from internal fires the Shi'mont'ka listed to starboard. Kor’O Auymun was able to raise her captain who insisted he could save the ship.
Seconds later the protector’s warp drive reactor overloaded and the ship detonated. The explosion ripped through space impacting on the Ore’Au, her shields flaring orange as white hot plasma blasted her hull. When the glow died down the Shi'mont'ka was gone and he Ork fleet was closing for the kill.
It was now the Tau fleet sprung the trap. The Orks, in their haste, had not corrected their course and were about to pass down the port side of the Kor’Vattra Auymun. With one command the entire Tau fleet, led by the main Tau cruiser gun line turned as one to port, launching a deadly torpedo salvo into the vulnerable flanks of the Ork kroozers.
Too late the Ork commander realised the trap and attempted to break off with his remaining ships. Two more Ork vessels had been crippled by the Tau manoeuvre and deadly torpedo salvo and were being mercilessly finished off by Tau mantas.
The remaining Ork ships powered their drives to maximum, attempting to ram any Tau vessel in their path before speeding off. The merchant class Kir'Ishima suffered minor damage in a lucky escape as a hammer class scraped the length of the vessel. Fortunately the Ork crew were so intent on ramming and boarding their prey the massed gun batteries, capable of obliterating the Tau vessel at such short range, stayed silent.
Auymun ordered a final bomber wave to follow the fleeing Ork vessels but the battle was over. The Tau had triumphed once again but the stunning victory was tempered by the loss of the Shi'mont'ka and one of the fleet commander’s closest friends.
One more jump later the Tau fleet arrived at Cernunnos docks, greeted as heroes by the massed crew and visitors lining the giant orbital city.
Kor’O Shovah smiled a his subordinate.
“Well done Kor’O Auymun. Thanks to you the Aurelis Deeps now has an open passage, protected by our waystations. The Norsefire Empire will continue to be a threat I have no doubt, but they cannot deny us passage across the Deeps any longer. Your actions have strengthened our position in the Aleph Sector and secured you an honoured place in Tau history.”
Kor’O Auymun bowed his head.
“You honour me Kor’O Shovah. I did this but for the greater good of the Tau race.”
“Indeed Kor’O Auymun.”